

  • Cover of 15 Chinese Silencs100 Chinese Silences.  Los Angeles: Les Figues, 2015. Editor’s Selection in the 2014 NOS Book Contest.
  • Fifteen Chinese Silences. Poetry chapbook. Kane’ohe: Tinfish, 2012. | PDF

    “These poems are part of an ongoing project called 100 Chinese Silences. They were begun in response to Billy Collins’s poem ‘Grave.’ The speaker of the poem describes the ‘one hundred kinds of silence / according to the Chinese belief,’ but then admits at the end of the poem that these Chinese silences were something he had ‘just made up.’ I took it upon myself to write these 100 Chinese silences.”

    — Tim Yu

    Reviews of Fifteen Chinese Silences have appeared in Jacket2 (by Susan Schultz), the Lantern Review (by Jai Arun Ravine), and the Honolulu Weekly (by Shantel Grace).

  • Journey to the West. Poetry collection; winner of the 2006 Vincent Chin Memorial Chapbook Prize, awarded by Kundiman. Barrow Street, Winter 2006: 51-67.
